
Framing Complex Cross-Sector Challenges

Advancing approaches and methods to better frame and address complex societal challenges like access to water, energy, and healthcare

Convergent Aeronautics Solutions project team members, including some “energizing” interns, at NASA’s Langley Research Center in Virginia.


Rieken, E. F., Brubaker, E. R., Best, R.M., Bond, K., Burleson, G., Simpson, T.  W. (2023). Approaching Complex Societal Problems Tied to Aviation. In Proceedings of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics AVIATION conference, San Diego, CA. (link)

Brubaker, E. R. (2021) “Electric Cookstove Adoption in Tanzania: Longitudinal Trajectories of Product Use and the Causal Effect of an Electricity Tariff Reduction.” Accepted Abstract. In the 23rd International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 21), Africa-Design Workshop.

Das, S.; Tarafdar, B., ... Reynolds (Brubaker), E., et al. (2023 / filed 2011).) An automated device for batch mixing of one or more liquids with water/fluid in fixed volumetric ratios. India Patent No. 419736. 

Our technology was independently evaluated with results published here:  Nuhu, Y. S. et al. “Field Trial of an Automated Batch Chlorinator System at Shared Water Points in an Urban Community of Dhaka, Bangladesh.” Journal of Water Sanitation and Hygiene for Development. 2016. (link)

Co-Design: Cross-Boundary Design Work

Building theory and methods to improve co-design across cultural, disciplinary, organizational, and human-AI boundaries

Rieken, Bond, Best, Burleson & Brubaker, 2023. (link)

image credits: TechnipFMC/Lean Enterprise Institute, 2017, USA  (top); Eric Brubaker, 2016, Zambia (bottom)


Ma, K., Moore, G., Shyam, S., Villarrubia, J., Goucher-Lambert, K., & Brubaker, E. R. (2024) Human-AI Collaboration Among Engineering Design Professionals: Three Strategies of Generative AI Use.  In Proceedings of ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Washington DC. (link)

Brubaker, E. R., Sheppard, S.D., Hinds, P.D., Yang, M.C. (2023). Objects of Collaboration: Roles of Objects in Spanning Knowledge Group Boundaries in Design. Journal of Mechanical Design. (link)

Rieken, E., Bond, K., Best, R.M., Burleson, G., Brubaker, E. R. (2023). A Spectrum of Perspective Taking in Engineering Design. Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED)**Awarded Best Paper of ICED23. (link)

Brubaker, E. R., Sheppard, S.D., Hinds, P.D., Yang, M.C. (2022). Objects of Collaboration: Roles of Objects in Spanning Knowledge Boundaries in a Design Company. Proceedings of ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, St. Louis, MO. **Awarded ASME Design Theory & Methodology Best Paper of the Year. (link)

Brubaker, E. R., Carl Jensen, Silungwe, S., Sheppard, S.D., & Yang, M.C. (2017). Co-Design in Zambia: An Examination of Design Outcomes. Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED). (link)

Brubaker, E. R., Sastry, M.A., Bernal, M.A., (2016). When and When Not to Co-Create? Precursors for Co-Creation. VentureWell Conference.


Brubaker, E. R., Bellesia, F., Mattarelli. E., & Hinds, P. (under review) Co-Design at the Boundary: Understanding the Dynamics of Open Innovation. 

Hands-On, Community-Engaged, Design Education

Advancing teaching and learning in engineering learning environments

image credits: Theo St. Francis and Stanford PRL


Brubaker, E. R., Trego, M., Cohen, S., & Taha, K. (2022). Partnerships Compass: Guiding questions for equitable and impactful engineering community-engaged learning. Advances in Engineering Education. (link)

Brubaker, E. R., Kohn, M. D., & Sheppard, S. D. (2019). Comparing Outcomes Of Introductory Makerspace Courses: The Roles of Reflection And Multi-Age Communities of Practice. International Symposium on Academic Makerspaces (ISAM). (link)

Brubaker, E. R., Maturi, V., Karanian, B., Sheppard, S. D., & Beach, D. (2019) “Integrating Mind, Hand and Heart: How Students Are Transformed by Hands-On Designing and Making.” In Proceedings of 126th Annual American Society for Engineering Education Conference. (link) **Awarded 2nd Best Paper of ASEE Design Engineering Education Division. 

Brubaker, E. R., Schar, M., & Sheppard, S. D. (2017). “Impact-Driven Engineering Students: Contributing Behavioral Correlates.” In Proceedings of the 124th Annual American Society for Engineering Education Conference. Columbus, OH. (link)

Rameseder, G., Reithmann, M., Brubaker, E. R., & Sheppard, S. D. (2017). “The Roots of Entrepreneurial Career Goals among Today’s Engineering Undergraduate Students.” In Proceedings of the 124th Annual American Society for Engineering Education Conference. Columbus, OH. (link) **Awarded 2nd Best Paper of ASEE Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division


Brubaker, E. R., Mbaezue, C.G., & Sheppard, S.D. Access to Help: Help-Asking Frames and Disparities in Help Received in a Makerspace. (under review).

Expanded Conceptions of Design Expertise

Building more expansive and inclusive theories of design expertise

Credit: Robert Shimaingo and Stephen Mvula, Kafue Innovation Centre, Zambia


Brubaker, E. R. Situated design expertise: An expert-expert think-aloud study with Kenyan and American designers. (2021). Invited abstract and presentation at the International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED) AFRICA-DESIGN Workshop. (link to abstract)

Brubaker, E. R. "In being worked on" A spoken word poem. (2019). 14th Annual Engineering, Social Justice, and Peace (ESJP) Conference. (link to abstract)

Intellectual Communities

American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME)

American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE)

The Design Society

International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE)

Engineering, Social Justice, & Peace Network (ESJP)