Solar Lights
Design for Manufacturability Learning Labs
for MIT Design for Scale, 2014
Led development of a solar light to teach students about design for injection molding, wire forming, investment casting, post-machining, printed circuit boards, assembly, reliability, and testing, among other topics
Some aspects of the light were free to be designed by students each year, while other aspects were static and made the same way each year
Wire formed stand was designed and made by students, using bending jigs of their own design (inspired by Kurt Kornbluth's Whirlwind Wheelchair brake bending jig)
Injection molded housing was shot by students (static design)
Lost wax cast bronze feet were invested and post-machined by students (static design)
Provided a circuit diagram, students laid out a printed circuit, soldered components, and debugged boards
Time depending, instructors or students laser cut or vacuum formed lens